Sunday, September 22, 2013


FISRT'S CLASS ACTIVITY, we were asked to form a small group and build a tower by a given old news paper. We need to used our own creativity! We only given by 10 minutes only and all other thing that possible to used are allowed.
10 minutes are gone. and we were required to present our building to the in front of lecture hall.
By the end of the class, I can see that many of the buildings constructed by the other groups fall apart and collapse when Miss Ummi just have touched and flicked of the building include our group's build. Only one of eight building is not affected by this collapse.

Here, I can concluded that the most important thing in forming anything is the great planning combined with great teamwork and base. Base? Bes, base! We have both of great planning and teamwork...but we forget about the first step on constructing a build, the base.
Every single thing in this world is based on the base! Its roots!

-Although you're not an engineering student, it doesn't mean that you cannot build a 'tower'..well done ladies n gentlemen!..

Miss Ummi